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5 Free NPPE Exam Questions and how to Tackle a Complex Ethical Dilemma [2023]

Updated: May 31, 2023

Free NPPE strategies to pass
Mastering NPPE Questions - ethical dilemma

Welcome to easyNPPE app blog with free NPPE exam strategies to pass, where we aim to help aspiring engineers and geoscientists excel in their National Professional Practice Exam (NPPE). The NPPE is a crucial step for those seeking to become a licensed engineer or geoscientist in Canada, as it evaluates your understanding of legal, ethical, and professional practice aspects of the engineering and geoscience professions. In this post, we'll explore a challenging NPPE question involving an ethical dilemma and provide an in-depth analysis of the best answer.

This question was prepared by licensed professionals and academics who built easyNPPE, the all-in-one mobile phone and tablet platform with more than 430 questions and a comprehensive study guide that will help you pass the NPPE exam on your first attempt. If you're looking for more questions and the most detailed study guide to supplement your preparation, easyNPPE may be your go-to resource. You can download easyNPPE for free by clicking here. A free mini-exam is awaiting for you!

Question (please note that the scenario below is non-factual):

A licensed engineer discovers that a colleague has intentionally misrepresented her qualifications and experience to secure a high-profile project. The project is currently underway, and the licensed professional is concerned about serious potential risks and consequences of this misrepresentation. What should the licensed professional do in this situation?

A) Report the colleague to the company's management

B) Confront the colleague privately and urge her to rectify the situation

C) Report the colleague to the engineering regulatory body

D) Monitor the project closely and report any issues that may arise

In-Depth Analysis:

  1. Read the question thoroughly: In this situation, the licensed professional discovers that a colleague has misrepresented her qualifications to secure a project, which is now underway.

  2. Identify the main issue: The main issue is the potential risks and consequences of the colleague's misrepresentation on the project and public safety, as well as the ethical implications of her actions.

  3. Evaluate the options: Assess each answer option, considering the ethical, legal, and professional aspects of the situation.

A) Reporting the colleague to the company's management immediately is a reasonable option, as it alerts the management to the potential risks associated with the project and holds the colleague accountable for her actions. However, management might not have the authority to address the broader implications of the colleague's actions on the profession and the public.

B) Confronting the colleague privately and urging her to rectify the situation may seem like a good choice; however, it may not sufficiently address the potential risks and consequences of the misrepresentation. Additionally, this approach leaves the responsibility of rectifying the situation in the hands of the colleague, who has already demonstrated unethical behavior.

C) Reporting the colleague to the professional regulatory body is a strong option, as it ensures that the colleague's actions are investigated by the appropriate authority and that the necessary steps are taken to protect the public interest.

D) Monitoring the project closely and reporting any issues that may arise does not address the root cause of the problem and fails to hold the colleague accountable for her actions.

Select the best answer:

In this situation, option C (reporting the colleague to the professional regulatory body) is the best choice. This approach ensures that the appropriate authority is aware of the misrepresentation, holds the colleague accountable for her actions, and takes the necessary steps to protect the public interest.

It's important to remember that in some cases, escalating the issue internally (option A) might be the preferred approach, especially if the organization has a well-established system for addressing ethical concerns. However, the subtle wording in the question statement - "the licensed professional is concerned about serious potential risks and consequences of this misrepresentation" - changes the entire context. The presence of serious potential risks highlights the urgency of the situation, which necessitates taking more decisive action.

Given the potential risks and consequences of the colleague's misrepresentation on the project and public safety, reporting the colleague to the professional regulatory body (option C) becomes the most effective way to protect the public interest and maintain the integrity of the profession. The emphasis on potential risks in the question underscores the importance of addressing the issue promptly and through the appropriate channels, rather than relying solely on internal escalation.


By carefully evaluating each option and considering the ethical, legal, and professional implications, you can navigate challenging ethical dilemmas on the NPPE exam with confidence. Practice with various scenarios and always consider the potential consequences of each action before selecting the best answer.

easyNPPE is the most advanced NPPE study platform designed to teach you how to navigate challenging ethical dilemmas that you will encounter during the NPPE exam with confidence. By using the mobile phone/tablet app, you'll practice various scenarios and learn to evaluate each option by considering the ethical, legal, and professional implications. This will enable you to make informed decisions and select the best answer for any given situation. Get started with easyNPPE by clicking here and master the art of decision-making for your NPPE journey!

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Apr 27, 2023

The detailed explanation of the ethical dilemma and the emphasis on the subtle wording differences in the question have been incredibly helpful. Thank you for emailing me this blog!


Apr 27, 2023

Wow, very good blog. Amazing explanation. Thank you!

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