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Privacy Policy

BPE Technologies Inc. (BPE Apps) ("we", "our", "us") owns and operates the easyNPPE mobile application ("App", "Service"). We use data collected via this App to provide and improve our Service. By using our App, you agree to the collection and use of data in accordance with this Privacy Policy. The easyNPPE app is designed to be used in Canada and complies with Canadian data privacy rules and regulations.

Data Collected

  • Mandatory:

    • Email addresses of users, which are used for authentication and communication purposes.

  • Voluntary:

    • Name,

    • Province of the users. and

    • The discipline of engineering.

  • App usage information, including quiz results and interactions.

  • Data related to your quiz performance can be accessed across our different platforms, including our web app and mobile app.

Use of Data

We use the collected data for various purposes:

  • To authenticate users.

  • To detect and prevent technical issues.

  • To monitor the usage of our service.

  • To provide customer support.

  • For user communication and outreach.

  • To facilitate the retrieval and viewing of quiz results across platforms.

  • To validate the "pass or refund" guarantee by reviewing quiz results and interactions.

  • Any other purpose stated at the time of data collection.

Data Processing

We may process your data for the purposes of:

  • Authentication.

  • Payment processing.

  • App support.

  • Communication is based on the collected email addresses.

  • Analyzing quiz results and user interactions for improvement and to confirm eligibility for our "pass or refund" guarantee.

Data Retention

We will retain the data collected via this App for as long as necessary to provide the Service, including the retrieval and viewing of quiz results, and for other legitimate business purposes such as validating the "pass or refund" guarantee.

Data Storage and Transfer

The collected data may be stored on servers outside your province or country. Some of the 3rd party cloud storage services our App uses are located in the United States, and your data may be stored there.

Security and Data usage

We employ industry-standard data security measures to protect any data collected via this App. However, while we strive to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee its absolute safety. It's essential to be aware of potential risks when sharing personal data online.

Contact Us

If you require any further information about this Privacy Policy or have concerns about how your data is used, please contact us directly from this app or alternatively by mail at BPE Technologies, 1000 Innovation Dr, Suite 500, Kanata, ON, K2K 3E7, Canada.

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